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Overseas Rebuilt Pipe Bursting Machine!

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Allgemeng Beschreiwung:
Overseas Rebuilt TSR150 Pipe Bursting Machine.

-(145) x Rods (Length: 1 meter).
-(2) x Clamping Heads.

Rezent Aarbecht/Ännerungen:
Seller States: Completely rebuilt.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen:
Seller States:
-Pullback: 150 tons
-Old England bursting machine, hardly used.
-Very good condition.

NOT INCLUDED - Does not include Hydraulic Unit.

This equipment is located in Europe. If you are an overseas client and you would like to see if this equipment would be cost effective to have shipped to your country, please contact our office and we will provide you a FREE shipping quote. Changes in currency rates could affect the final asking price. Please talk to one of our sales people if you have more questions about how currencies relate to the buying and selling of equipment.

Price is FOR ALL.

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