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2011 Vermeer D20x22 Series II

Comes with Drill Pipe and Tooling! 3.687 Stonnen.

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Allgemeng Beschreiwung:
2011 Vermeer D20x22 Series II Directional Drill:
-3,687 hours

Päif ugeet:
Seller States: 400' - 700' of Drill Pipe.

-Drill Head Setup.
-Miscellaneous Tooling.

Rezent Aarbecht/Ännerungen:
Seller States: Will have Full Service.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen:
This inspection report has been furnished solely for informational purposes and it is not to be construed in any way as a warranty or guarantee on the condition of the equipment. Buyers should confirm the accuracy of this report to their satisfaction prior to purchase. Buyer agrees to hold harmless HDD Broker, the seller, and the inspecting agent.

NOT INCLUDED - Seller has the following items available at an additional cost:

-2007 Ditch Witch FM5 Mud Mixing system.
-2008 Ritmo RAM 414 Pipe Fusion Machine.
-2015 Ditch Witch MR90 Mud Recycling System / Hours: 2,186.
-2016 Ditch Witch MR90 Mud Recycling System / Hours: 1,565.
-2015 Ditch Witch MR90 Mud Recycle System / Hours: 1,875.



Condition Reports:
Sellers Condition Report (4MB)

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