Angela Norris
Listings Specialist
Office Number: +352 20 881 403
Listings Number: +

I am a complete geek at heart.

I am one of the few people who can say they love their job. Over the last 10 years, I have established a lot of relationships and made a lot of new friends. I am very happy to be part of the broker family and look forward to what's next.

Hometown: Brentwood Bay, BC
Hobbies: Video Games and Music
Start Year: 2005
Favourite Drill: One with lots of pictures. You know why.
  • 2014 - Best Customer Service Award
  • 2014 - Most knowledgeable - Support
  • 2011 - Customer Service
  • 2010 - Customer Service
  • 2007 - "From Russia with Love" - Always Does it with a Smile
  • 2007 - "Her Majesty's Secret Service" - Outstanding Customer Service


Mrs Martin I just wanted to say that Angela Norris has done a phenomenal job at listing my machines and she really cares and takes her job seriously. I'm very satisfied with your listing department especially with Angela. I appreciate your time and hope all is well with you and your family. Thanks Bryon
That is awesome that everything is up to date! As always, you are my Rock Star! Cynthia
Hello Angela
Thank you for your real support.
I was very pleased about that, I even add you in my LinkedIn.
I hope this will be for future transaction, I intend to promote this quality service along my coworker.
Thank you. Ciprian
I would like to nominate Angela for the dedication that she puts into her job. We were recently hanging up some of the listing posters from our past trade shows in the offices here in Victoria and when we got to Angela's office she was telling me which yard the equipment was from and which equipment was stolen...all from looking at a single pictures that was almost a year old! Angela takes great pride in maintaining our listings and it clearly shows that she isn't just doing data entry. Thanks Angela for taking such good care of our listings and doing it with such great dedication! Office Testimonial
A client noted to me that he is always impressed how polite, happy and professional Ang is on the phone. Billy is a no nonsense get it done yesterday kinda guy and if I am on the phone when he calls he prefers to just get them to tell me to call him back and can be abrupt sometimes. He knows he is like this and told me it's great she is so professional when speaking to "guys like him". Billy
I looked at [my listing] and just wanted you to know you did a wonderful job. Rodney
Again thanks for your help and the cheerful voice you would always answer the phone with. Glen


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